Obama's "change" to a suckier America
Presidents Obama's time for an end has finally come. All the false-promisies of "hope" and "change" can finally be removed from the office and replaced by someone who actually knows how to run a government. I have a feeling this coming up election will be one of the most important elections in America's history. Seeing as our economy sucks and all these crazy bills being passed makes one consider anarchy.
But as fare as the next president. Im thinking
First, and most directly, he [Paul] does extremely well in polls. The organization of his grassroots support is not just excellent; it is remarkable, by historic and global measures. His ability to raise money from actual voters is second to none. His appeal to independents and swing voters is an order of magnitude greater than that of his competitors. Secondarily, he has more support from military personnel than all other candidates put together, if measured by donations; he has the most consistent voting record; he has the magical quality of not coming off as a politician; he oozes integrity and authenticity, and, as far as we know, he has a personal life and marriage that reflects deep stability and commitment
I think people need to realise that a country can't be ruled by one person. We all need to rule in our own way, because otherwise we're just following orders without a voice.