JeramieSwag HEader

Monday, June 13, 2011


Yeah. . . I got kicked out. . . . AND ITS PRETTY SWEET! . . . No srsly guys. My dad came home yesterday all "Son, I am dissapoint" and started ramblin about "All you wanna do is derp with all yer herps" annd "All the Derp in the world couldnt Herp you right nao"

Soo mid of his Herp Derp Lecture I just grabbed my backpack I used last year and started packing my shit. The he was all like "Wut De HAil you think youre doing?!" I was just like ". . . leaving?" sooo he was all " haha you newfag at life get out there and get yo ass trolled, youll be whining to Ob (original Birther) to let you back in in notimes. . . . So I was like "okay im outty" then he's all "Give me your housekey, Cellhphone, and CARKEYS!!" . . now honestly yall i thought about backing out and sucking up to my dad but something yesterday told me to keep going. So I gave him the shit then walked out the door.

....................SHIT, I started thinking about where could I go but I'm foreveralone.jpg because I fuck over all my friends for Profits and lulz (seriously). . . Soo I walked to the river which is about 2 miles away from my house. And I know it may seem gay or watever but MAN that shit was fun. Like I was exploring every creepy warehouse and shit was FUNjpg.  . . . .Then after I got to the river I was like nowwut.jpg :( So I walked to Church because I thought I'd have some oldfriends there but as soon as I walked in I got a BAAAD gut feeling and immediately had to walk out. . . then I saw my ex of 2 yrs and sorta made me feel good. :)

...So after I left church I figured i'd go to my ONLY friends house but there was only 1 problem he lives in Smiths Station, about 5 miles from my house. haha So I figured "hmm it cant be that hard to hitchhike, they do it in the movies All dee time thee :3"  .. . . lets just say NOOONE picks up a stranger and my arm fucking hurts :( . . . .
Soo I got to my friends house and little did I know he was throwing a party! (last night) Soo I got pretty drunk for the first time and it was all good :D . . .  . .
What do you guys think I should do like Lifewise? I got a $5500 student grant coming in when College starts in August. . so what do until then???


  1. personally man i think yu shud endure da shit yah dads givin yuh..but aye some people dont wannah have to deal wit dat bullshit...but find someplace to stay bruh..and if ma mom wasnt so strict on ish yu know ma crib woulda been open...if only i still stayed green Leaf lol just stay safe and strong lil it out

  2. I would just tough it out. Parents can be annoying as fuck at times, but it's worth it to have a house over your head and free food.

  3. hope that there your blog can support you lol

  4. Crank the Cat Stevens. OH BABY BABY IT'S A WIDE WORLD.


  5. haha throwin' memes left and right, your bros got your back.

  6. haha, I feel with you, my dad told some weeks ago that I have to move out until first of august....

  7. You're living the dream man! Get a small job, stay at your friend's house and pay your share, you'll end up with good work references and a history of perseverance through negative situations. After you have settled down, even if you do want to go back to your dad's house, he'll probably treat you with the respect that you deserve. Or, if he actually cares about you he'll just beg you to come back when he realizes that you are stable away from him.
    Sorry, :P I can only read bro speak.

  8. It's gonna be really hard, you should really consider reconciling with your dad, get a job and go to school. basically grow up. Life's not about getting what you want all the time and you need to make compromises. Putting up with your dad's crap is infinitely easier than trying to go to school full time on your own. if you acted more grown up you could then have a conversation about him treating you like a grown up.

  9. you need to get out man, you will feel better about yourself

  10. Depends on if you can afford to live until that money comes in. If not maybe swallow ya pride and go home.
